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                Kefengyuan Home > Technology



                Technical support:
                In order to create famous brands, improve the reputation of enterprises and establish the image of enterprises, we are in the spirit of "all the pursuit of high quality, customer satisfaction for the purpose" to "the most favorable price, the most thoughtful service, the most reliable product quality" principle to you solemn commitment: First, product quality commitment:
                1, quality inspection and testing data are available for manufacturing and testing of products.
                2. To test the performance of the product, we sincerely invite users to check the whole process and the whole performance of the product.
                Two, product price commitment:
                1. In order to ensure the high reliability and advancement of the products, the material selection of the system is selected by domestic or international high-quality brand products.
                2. Under the same competitive conditions, our company will offer you the most favorable price sincerely on the basis of not reducing the technical performance of the products and changing the components of the products.
                Three. Delivery commitment:
                1. Product Delivery Period: According to the user's requirements as far as possible, if there are special requirements, need to be completed ahead of schedule, our company can organize production, installation, and strive to meet customer needs.
                2, when the product is delivered, our company will provide the following documents to users.
                Technical maintenance manual
                Installation general plan
                Provide a list of vulnerable parts and spare parts, and attach a certain amount of spare parts.
                Four, after-sales service commitments:
                1, service tenet: fast, decisive, accurate, thoughtful and thorough.
                2, service target: quality of service wins user satisfaction.
                3. Service Efficiency: If the equipment fails during or outside the warranty period, the supplier can reach the site and start the maintenance within 24 hours after receiving the notification.
                4. Service Principle: The warranty period of the product is 12 months. During the warranty period, the supplier will repair and replace the damaged parts caused by quality reasons free of charge, and the damaged parts outside the warranty period. The supplied parts will only be charged the cost. The damaged equipment caused by the demand side will be repaired or supplied by the supplier according to the cost price. Plan.
                In the warranty period, our company's technical personnel visit less than three times a year to investigate users' usage.

