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                Inner rib reinforced winding pipe Machine
                Inner rib reinforced winding pipe Machine

                Inner rib reinforced winding pipe Machine

                The inner rib reinforced winding pipe equipment is mainly a kind of pipe production equipment with inner rib structure as the main design, and it is a bellows production equipment with superior performance developed by the latest technology. Of course, this kind of corrugated pipe is mainly made of polyethylene as raw material, has a higher density, and after technical improvement, so that the treated pipe not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has a larger area, so the flow is better, but also has a strong compressive capacity. In addition, this kind of corrugated pipe also has a good fusion treatment in production, which can improve the effect of strengthening seam to a certain extent, and the use time is longer.
                Product Features: The structure design of inner rib reinforced winding pipe equipment is more reasonable, so it is not easy to loosen in use, but also to a certain extent to improve the use time of bellows. And it also has the structure design of the inner rib, so that it has a higher stability in use, so it has a better impact resistance, compressive performance.
                Product Suitability: The inner rib reinforced winding pipe equipment is mainly suitable for drainage pipes in industries such as industry, pharmaceutical factory, municipal administration, construction engineering, etc.


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